I thought I would share some pictures of our new "lifestyle" here in Trinidad.
If you have read my earlier posts, you know there is a savannah (a huge sports field) next to our apartments.

Every evening people come from all over the local area to run, walk, play soccer or other activities in the cooler twilight hours. One of the activities that Tauna is really enjoying is an aerobics class that is put on by a professional trainer under one of the big trees. She comes out every weekday evening and anyone can participate. She just asks a $5 donation (that's 80 cents in US currency...). You can see Tauna in the back row on the right, or just look for the white lady.

I tried the class a couple of times but was so sore the next day I think I'll stick to running around the savannah (Ike took the picture below). He will occasionally join me around the track a couple of times then we all go to the pool for an evening swim.

Speaking of Isaac, he has a couple of weeks under his belt at his new school. He likes it. It's a Hindu sponsored school, which is a little different, but it is walking distance, so Tauna walks him to school every day. Isaac is required to wear a uniform and participate in Hindu prayers each day, which he finds interesting. The facilities are pretty humble. Classes are in a long hall where individual grades and classes are separated by only rolling chalk boards. So, there is a lot of noise and distractions.

Isaac is quite the celebrity, being the only white kid in the whole school. Kids are hollering out to him all the time, in the store, from car windows, all the kids know him. His teacher told me last week that the principal called all the girls in Isaac's class into the office for a special meeting to tell them that they would have quit hanging on Isaac all the time, that it wasn't "appropriate" behavior for young girls.

All and all the family is doing well in our new environment, making new friends, but really missing family and friends from home.