Isaac saw some steelpan players and thought it would be "cool" to learn. Since he already plays the piano and violin, why not add another instrument to his repertoire? We found a place that does lessons and signed him up. He goes every Saturday morning for about an hour and a half with a bunch of local kids. The amazing thing is that it only costs about US$6.00 a month for the lessons. He is having a ball. I've got a couple of pictures and a video below. We'll add more as he progresses. The second picture is a custom the group has of introducing new students and having a prayer at the end of the lesson. I took the picture just as Isaac was walking from the center of the circle where he was being introduced formally to the group.

Sorry about the quality of the video, but I think you can at least see that Ike is getting the hang of it pretty quick. This is just his second lesson!
Isaac, you are too cool. I am completely jealous, I've always wanted to try playing a steel pan, and here you are taking lessons.
In the 70s they used run a segment on Sesame Street showing a man and some kids making one out of an old oil drum. Just found it on YouTube!
And to think that I was worried about Isaac adjusting. I think I could do with a bit of this adjustment; jet skis, steel drums, white sand beaches ... jealous.
(I'm Isaac's former primary teacher)
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