Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Strikers

Since I've been going for morning runs around the Savannah, I've met a lot of people. I usually say hi and wave to everyone I meet. Sometimes they stop me to ask where I'm from and why I am in Trinidad(white people really stand out around here, particularly when we are wearing shorts...). The other day in the market a lady asked me, "Aren't you the white man who runs around the Savannah in the mornings?" One guy I met is Richard Harrison. He coaches a soccer club (although they call it football here) on the Savannah, the "San Juan Strikers." We have become friends and he even goes to Church with me on occasion. I have been adopted as the team "spiritual advisor." Richard asks me to open their practices with prayer and a spiritual thought. I have been surprised at the positive reaction I have been getting from the team. These young men are mostly inner-city youth from gang infested neighborhoods. Richard likes to target these young men to give them a positive alternative. Most have no money. In fact, a lot of them showed up for the first practice bare-footed. I have been trying to assist with time and a little money, but Richard also finds other sponsors to ensure that all the boys get new shoes and uniforms.

I had a picture taken with the team. I'm pretty easy to pick out on the left. Richard, the head coach, is on the right. By the way, for those of you that don't know, if you click on any of the pictures you can see them full size.

1 comment:

bec said...

this is a really cool blog Dan! Maracus Bay looks so pretty.